Just once wouldn’t you
like to read a manifesto
that′s been practiced
before it’s preached?
Konkin III, 2009
Table of Contents
Who I am
Born in Barcelona to Argentinean parents who migrated to Spain in the 1970s during Franco’s dictatorship. Background as manifestations of mathematics and physics: Geology, the study of the Earth’s structure and processes, and music, the art of sound organized in time. As a solo nomadic woman traveler, I initially explored Barcelona and later ventured worldwide out of passion and a desire to see the world. I’ve played the roles of both host and guest as long as I’ve had a place to live and share.
Through my travels and periodic returns to Barcelona, I’ve come to realize that I cannot fully assimilate into civilization. Despite lifelong attempts to adapt to European civilization, I not only failed to do so but also found that I don’t want to be part of it. I want a different kind of relationship with others and with myself. With the political situation now in Barcelona, between Catalonia and Spain, I feel a renewed sense of independence—a nation without a country, a people forming a community not represented by the same rights as any other state. While this isn’t a problem for me, I observe it happening in nearly every country worldwide. What I find troubling is the irrational hate directed toward those who think differently.
My research for identity has provided insight into the origins of my values, rooted in Andean cosmovision. Experimenting with my own life I realize how detached I am from where I’m supposed to belong. This realization led me to follow in my parents’ footsteps—sharing the privileges I got by nature and chance and also describe in words what migration could be.
My objective is to foster understanding among people, tribes, and communities without the constraints of any particular country, flag, or state. That’s because sometimes I embrace the anarchism and agorism to explain it.
I envision a network that unites us through free speech, the right to migrate, and perhaps, a new concept of freedom—a status of “non-being civilized” in opposition to being wild, mad or bastard.

Each community, ethnicity, culture, religious community, intellectual movement, economic unit, etc. can structure and express itself autonomously as a political unit… Every selfhood, from local to global, has the opportunity to form a confederation and free stream to cyberspace
Freedom manifests as “pluralization, diversification and differentiation.” Differentiation echoes fractally across all spheres of nature. Speciation is an expression of freedom. Human societies decouple and differentiate where freedom flows
Free society is both moral and political. Morality corresponds to a society’s ability to create new values — politics to the ability to put those values into practice.
Morality is the being of a society. Politics is how it becomes
Defense distributed
Freedom of speech
Freedom of Counter-economy: Action Between the Legal and the Illegal: A-Legality as a Political–Legal Strategy
Self-knowledge: experimentation with your own life
Self development: Responsibility as a human being in the cosmos
Pre-christian spiritually: Christianity modified cultures but did not destroy them
Post-capitalistic spiritually: How technology helps to create new values
Andean cosmovision
The Manuscript of Huarochirí, written between the late 16th and early 17th centuries, gives an account of a world where human experience has cosmic roots, and life is conceived as the flow of a vital energy (kama) that traverses the entire cosmos (pacha). This cosmos is populated by beings forming communities (ayllu) linked to each other in relationships of mutual nurturing, following specific ritual patterns that, in turn, constitute the symbolic matrix of order and normativity. Thus, human communities interact with communities of deities (waka) and nature (sallqa) in terms of reciprocity (yanantin), within a logic of opposition (pallkay), complementarity (tinkuy), and mediation (chawpi). In this framework, the world becomes a relational fabric.
sallqa: Término que refiere a la puna (espacio que rodea las cumbres nevadas) en tanto territorio salvaje, arisco, bravío y genésico.
La puna es, asimismo, un espacio liminar entre el mundo de los hombres y el de las deidades, entre el mundo de arriba y el de abajo, de allí su vinculación con lo genésico y su condición de espacio privilegiado de “Manifestación de lo sagrado en una realidad profana”.
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
In it, John Perry Barlow addresses governments of the industrial world, asserting that Cyberspace is a new realm of mind and declares its independence from traditional governmental authority.
Barlow argues that the virtual world is naturally free from the control of traditional governments as it operates independently and organically.
He challenges the governments’ right to rule over Cyberspace, stating that they have neither solicited nor received the consent of its inhabitants.
He emphasizes the unique nature of Cyberspace, where transactions, relationships, and thought exist without the constraints of physical boundaries. He rejects the application of traditional legal concepts to Cyberspace and advocates for a world where anyone can express their beliefs without fear of coercion.
Barlow concludes by envisioning the creation of a civilization of the mind in Cyberspace that is more humane and fair than the world created by traditional governments.
Agorism in the XXI century
-Definition of agorism: ‘…the consistent integration of libertarian theory with counter-economic practice; an agorist is one who acts consistently for freedom and in freedom’
-Counter-economy: Action Between the Legal and the Illegal: A-Legality as a Political–Legal Strategy
-Defense distributed
-The sociology of freedom “by Öcalan”:
-Pre-christian spiritually: Christianity modified cultures but did not destroy them
-Self-knowledge -> experimentation with your own life
-Bitcoin and Blockchain
-Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). A community of entrepreneurs oriented towards specific goals that when attained can be abandoned or reconfigured. And where much of the activity happening exists somewhere between grey and black market activity, e.g. Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
Facilitate know-how transfer and coaching for new co-living/co-working founders, consider the following approach:
- Cultural Understanding and Sensitivity:
- Emphasize the importance of cultural understanding in creating coliving and coworking spaces. Sharing experiences as a solo traveler and the insights gained from interactions with diverse communities worldwide.
- Introduce the concept of pre-Christian cosmovision and its emphasis on reciprocity, complementarity, and mediation. Highlight the potential for creating a sense of community and connection within coliving spaces. Technology can help to represent new values new beliefs
- Counter-economy:
- Offer guidance on navigating economic considerations for coliving and tribes. Sharing practical insights based on my experiences and help founders identify potential pitfalls.
- Introduce the principles of agorism, emphasizing the importance of counter-economic practices within legal boundaries. Provide examples of how strategies can be ethically implemented.
- Networking and Expansion:
- Encourage founders to build a network that goes beyond geographical boundaries. Share your vision of a global community united by principles of free speech, the right to migrate, and a non-traditional concept of freedom.
- Introduce the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and how they can be leveraged to create communities with new ways of governance and new values. Emphasize the flexibility of DAOs in pursuing specific goals and adapting to changing circumstances.
- Self-Experimentation and Personal Growth:
- Emphasize the importance of self-knowledge and experimentation with one’s own life. Share personal anecdotes that highlight the value of embracing different perspectives and lifestyles.
- Encourage founders to incorporate elements of Andean cosmovision, recognizing the interconnectedness of human experience and the cosmic roots of life.
- The Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace:
- Vision of a borderless and independent network. Encourage founders to embrace the unique nature of Cyberspace for transactions, relationships, and thought without traditional governmental constraints.
By combining background, experiences, and philosophical insights, we can provide valuable guidance to new coliving/coworking founders. This approach not only helps them avoid initial mistakes and save on resources but also fosters a mindset that promotes a global network and a civilization of the mind in Cyberspace. It’s a win/win scenario that aligns with the principles of freedom, experimentation, and community building.