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Generating Text with AI for Content Creation

Social media prompts

Writing a tweet post

Write the Tweet providing tips considering the following inputs:
Target audience: Aspiring or current digital nomads, remote workers, solopreneurs, freelancers, and small business owners who may be interested in find accommodation
Product or service: A private room in a coliving with coworking.
Brand identity: Our vibrant coliving offers more than just a place to stay; it’s a dynamic environment designed to elevate your solo ventures, where inspiration converge to empower remote workers on their professional journey or workation
Marketing goals: To increase brand awareness, engage with the target audience, and ultimately drive traffic to the website or an online event (e.g., webinar, workshop) designed for remote workers.
Tone and style: Conversational and motivational, using a mix of personal experience, insights, and practical tips for remote workers.
Key messages: The main takeaways or insights you’d like to share about the remote workers journey, such as the importance of self-discipline, time management, networking, or the ability to adapt to change.
Restrictions: A short, concise social media post, tailored to the platform’s character limits or format requirements (e.g., Twitter’s 280 characters or Instagram’s optimal caption length of 125-150 characters).
Call to action: Encourage readers to visit your website to learn more about your offerings for workation, fill the booking form or engage by asking them to share their remote worker experiences in the telegram group.
Competitors: Understand the content, messaging, and engagement tactics employed by competing brands who also target digital nomads, to identify areas of opportunity or differentiation for your social media post.
Hashtags and mentions: For improved reach and engagement, research and
include relevant hashtags that your target audience follows or uses, and mention or tag influencers, if applicable.

Make it a thread

Writing an Instagram post

Create the content for an Instagram about coliving and accommodation for digital nomads
remote workers and solopreneurs. It could be a series of images, say 3, with captions.
Write the captions and the prompts that can be used to generate the images.

Add more details to the prompts for the images.
Make the captions shorter.

Producing high-converting sales copy

You are a professional copywriter.
You have been tasked to create a high-converting sales copy. Here are the things that you need to care about on the copy:
Niche: digital nomads, remote workers, entrepreneurs
Audience: Busy professionals aged 25-45
Goals: Help them to stay in a coliving with all the facilities to be focused and comfortable
Offer: A 1 month accommodation in a coliving
Call to action: Fill the form for a booking
Tone: Motivational
Write the sales copy

Generating blog posts, articles and news

You are a blogger that writes about coliving.
Write some ideas for my next blog posts, so I can fill my publishing calendar

Once you choose one idea, you could prompt part of the post and ask to expand on it.
Here’s the prompt for it.
Please expand upon the provided text by elaborating on its content. It might be required to rephrase and present the text in a more detailed and thorough manner. Here is the initial text: {text}.

You can also use a prompt to ask ChatGPT to write the draft of the post or article. Generating blog posts, articles and news
Here’s the prompt.
Compose a blog post centered around the topic of “{blogPostTopic}” utilizing a “{tone}” tone. Ensure the use of transition words and prioritize active voice throughout the writing.
The post should exceed 1000 words. Use very creative titles for the blog post., totaling no fewer than six sections.
Each section should have a minimum of two paragraphs.
Incorporate the specified keywords, “{keywords},” seamlessly into the content.
Craft an appealing slug for the post and create a succinct meta description within a maximum limit of 100 words.
Finally, place the meta description at the conclusion of the blog post.

For SEO purposes, you might want to ask for a slug and a meta description.
Here’s the prompt.
Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum
of 100 words

Creating engaging content with AI

To create truly engaging prompts, consider incorporating the following elements, as well as drawing
inspiration from the style and voice of great writers:

  • Relatability: Craft prompts that resonate with the target audience’s emotions, experiences,
    or challenges. Great writers often create an emotional connection with their readers, making
    their work more engaging.
    Inspiration: J.K. Rowling, Maya Angelou, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  • Open-endedness: Ensure the prompts encourage diverse interpretations and responses, allowing
    the reader to explore their creativity and ideas without feeling limited or restricted.
    Inspiration: Ernest Hemingway, Haruki Murakami, Virginia Woolf.
  • Evocative language: Use vivid and descriptive language to spark the reader’s imagination and
    create a strong mental image of the topic or situation.
    Inspiration: F. Scott Fitzgerald, Toni Morrison, Gabriel García Márquez.
  • Strong hooks: Start the prompt with a catchy statement or intriguing question that instantly
    captures the reader’s attention and makes them want to dive in.
    Inspiration: George Orwell, Jane Austen, Ray Bradbury.
  • Sense of curiosity: Inspire the reader to learn something new, explore an unfamiliar topic, or dive
    deeper into a specific subject matter by encouraging their curiosity and sparking their interest.
    Inspiration: Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, Mary Roach.
  • Personal reflection: Encourage introspection by asking readers to examine their own experiences,
    thoughts, or emotions, leading to more authentic and engaging content.
    Inspiration: Sylvia Plath, Anne Lamott, Joan Didion.
  • Escapism: Provide prompts that allow readers to escape from their everyday lives by delving
    into fantastical or unfamiliar worlds, or exploring scenarios they may not encounter in their
    regular experiences.
    Inspiration: J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Neil Gaiman.
  • Cultural relevance: Tap into current events, popular trends, or societal issues to create content
    that feels timely, relevant, and reflective of the readers’ context.
    Inspiration: Margaret Atwood, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Zadie Smith.
  • Provocative statements or questions: Use controversial or thought-provoking themes in
    your prompts to stimulate debate, challenge readers’ beliefs, or push them to re-evaluate their
    perspective on a topic.
    Inspiration: Aldous Huxley, George Bernard Shaw, Simone de Beauvoir.Creating engaging content with AI
  • Humor and wit: Inject playfulness, sarcasm, or humor into your prompts to create a
    relaxed atmosphere and allow readers to approach the content with a sense of enjoyment
    and lightheartedness.
    Inspiration: Oscar Wilde, Dorothy Parker, David Sedaris.


Skip: I hope this email finds you well
how? Prompt: Cut the first paragraph. add some humor to the rest to break the ice

get better subject lines
how? Prompt: Change the subject line to be shorter, intriguing and personalized. Try to make it with less than 8 words. Give me a few options